Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Salam Sillaturrahim

Salam. Ini adalah catitan saya yang pertama. Saya berharap dapat berkongsi pendapat dan perjuangan dengan mereka2 yang benar-benar mencintai dan bersedia mempertahankan negara kita Malaysia dari musuh-musuh di dalam dan di luar negara...musuh2 dalam bentuk manusia maupun ideologi2 songsang dan sesat yang sekiranya tak ditentang dan dibendung pasti akan merosakkan segala yang tercapai sejak negara kita merdeka 50 tahun yang lalu...

Topik-topik yang saya minati termasuklah perihal politik semasa, ekonomi, sosial, pendidikan dan lain-lain. Saya telah memilih nama 'Homeguard' sempena 'homeguards' yang telah memainkan peranan penting semasa zaman komunis satu ketika dahulu....


  1. Wkmsalam..welcome to the blog world.
    You will make a number of close friends and will find blogging to be so therapeutic, informative and fun.
    Do not worry about the number of comments..lama2 nanti bila orang dah kenal, they'll drop by.

  2. Tqvm... theres a lot of stuff that I hope to share with those who agree and disagree...hopefully something good will come out of it...

  3. So, Mr HomeGuard, you have gallantly embarked in your maiden journey into the bloggers' cyberspace...congrats! Views and counter-views, are undoubtedly, enlightening and thought-provoking, indeed.

    However, in my humble opinion, 'blessings' from Tn Hj Aman is strongly recommended for using one of his award-winning masterpieces...

    Last, but not least, a note of thanks to Mamasita for the alert.

  4. selamat memblog, mr homeguard!

    like the inspirations behind the blog's name, both the idea and the poignant painting.
